16 hours in Berkeley: 3 robberies and a hot prowl burglary Robbers tore a purse from the hands of an 82-year-old woman. Other culprits ripped a cash register out of a McDonald's drive-through window.
UC Berkeley student tries to sell Nikes but is robbed at gunpoint The victim, a Cal student in his 20s, had arranged to sell his Nikes — but the men who showed up to buy them robbed him instead, police said.
Woman dies at People's Park in Berkeley, investigation ongoing UCPD officers responded to the park Tuesday and found an unidentified woman deceased inside a tent.
2 armed robberies in Berkeley lead to police chase on I-80 The armed robberies took place within about 25 minutes near the UC Berkeley campus Tuesday afternoon, police said.
Man, 42, dies after setting himself on fire at UC Berkeley The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in San Francisco identified him as 42-year-old Chet Bohrer of Salt Lake County in Utah.
BREAKING: Man set himself on fire on UC Berkeley campus The man, who was estimated to be in his 20s, sustained critical injuries. A female bystander who tried to help him sustained minor injuries.
Police investigate possible attack near UC Berkeley The man declined treatment but had sustained serious visible head trauma, so police monitored him until the Berkeley Fire Department arrived.