Purse snatched from woman dining outside on College Ave. The woman left her purse hanging on her chair while she ate. Police said the culprit walked by and snatched it, then took off running.
UPDATE: 2 arrested in North Berkeley after helicopter search Police said one of the men turned out to have a Berkeley robbery warrant and that officers found at least one firearm in the car, which was stolen.
Man carjacked at gunpoint at Berkeley Chevron The carjacker took a gray Toyota Camry from the victim and fled south on Shattuck, Berkeley police said.
Berkeley driver blocked in by armed robbers who took Rolex Berkeley police say the robbers used at least one assault rifle, possibly more, during the robbery at Center Street and Kala Bagai Way.
Attempted armed carjacking in the Berkeley Hills There have already been at least 19 carjackings in Berkeley in 2023, according to preliminary data. That's up significantly from historic averages.
Man breaks car window to rob woman at Berkeley red light "I have never heard of anything like this before in Berkeley," a witness told The Scanner. "It was really terrible."
Berkeley carjacking suspects caught thanks to new Palo Alto ALPR cameras Authorities say the men carjacked a UC Berkeley student outside a Cal fraternity Monday night as the student was helping a friend move in.