Student carjacked in Berkeley while packing up for college The robbers made off with the young man's trombone in addition to his car, computer, books and clothing. Neighbors set up a GoFundMe.
Berkeley Fire Ready Fest comes to Live Oak Park on Sunday With activities for all ages, Fire Ready Fest will have interactive games and demos to teach practical tips to prepare your home and family for fires.
Man, 70s, extricated after solo crash in North Berkeley Police believe he may have had a medical issue while driving.
UPDATE: 2 arrested in North Berkeley after helicopter search Police said one of the men turned out to have a Berkeley robbery warrant and that officers found at least one firearm in the car, which was stolen.
Man breaks car window to rob woman at Berkeley red light "I have never heard of anything like this before in Berkeley," a witness told The Scanner. "It was really terrible."
Woman robbed at gunpoint in North Berkeley There have been nearly 200 robberies in Berkeley this year, up 8% from this time last year, according to the latest BPD data.
Overnight conflict at Peet's, delivery driver arrested with gun The delivery driver was on probation and prohibited from having guns, Berkeley police said in response to a Scanner inquiry.