1 wounded in Berkeley homeless camp air rifle shooting The wounded man told police that Michael Minix had aimed for his head "so he raised his arm to cover his face," according to court papers.
UC Berkeley clears People's Park with eye on housing plans Park supporters have staunchly opposed the plans, citing the park's long history as a community space and cultural landmark.
Berkeley fires displace 1 from home, damage businesses "The overall concern is keeping companies in service," BFD said, "because of the increase in temperatures and fire activity around the Bay area."
Berkeley aims to lease Super 8, remove last big encampment The city hopes to move the residents of northwest Berkeley homeless encampments into "interim housing" at Super 8.
Homeless man charged with tear-gassing people in Berkeley Police say Lucas Glassy pepper-sprayed two out-of-town visitors to Berkeley near People's Park where he lives.
City pledges cleanup of West Berkeley homeless camps Members of the business community are pleading with the city to do more to tackle encampments and problematic behavior associated with them.
Feb. 9: Learn about the SCU, Berkeley's new 24/7 crisis team The 2-year pilot program is designed to provide a non-police response for people in crisis due to mental health and substance use issues.