Update: Men try to rob mom holding baby at Berkeley ATM Berkeley has had about a dozen robberies this year — a steep drop from historic, pre-pandemic averages of about one robbery a day.
UC Berkeley police investigate sexual battery near campus The Scanner learned after publication that the victim was a student. This story has been updated.
Berkeley police arrest teens in stolen car after foot chase Passers-by who saw the pair running through the neighborhood frantically alerted police about where they were heading.
Berkeley woman, 77, struck by hit-and-run driver The force of the crash left the woman face down in the street, according to preliminary reports. The investigation is ongoing.
Berkeley man pistol-whipped amid robbery on Shasta The armed robbery took place on Shasta Road in the Berkeley Hills.
Adult at park touched Berkeley High student 'inappropriately' Limited details have been released but TBS has asked officials to comment.
Driver charged with murder after stabbing van theft suspect The alleged van thief survived but a woman who had been helping him steal packages did not make it, according to court papers.