Woman honks horn to stave off thief at Berkeley Bowl West Four other incidents, where women's bags were taken from their cars as they looked on, have been reported in Berkeley since Friday.
Police investigate shooting on Berkeley-Oakland border Police are checking with area hospitals to see if anyone has come in with a gunshot wound.
Update: Bags snatched from cars at 4 Berkeley gas stations In each incident, the culprit opened a woman's car door and grabbed her purse, police said.
Suspect in Berkeley burglary series arrested after standoff Police say Alfredo Morales stole $8,000 in jeans from one business and $200,000 in electronics from another.
Police: Berkeley home burglar caught after Albany car theft Police say Diamond Harris was found with a Rolex and cash he'd taken during the burglary when he was arrested.
Man charged with repeat jacket thefts from Berkeley REI BPD said Jeffrey Harrelson stole 15 jackets from REI, worth an estimated $4,250, then fled the scene. And it wasn't the first time.
Pizza delivery driver carjacked in Berkeley As the driver returned to his car, a stranger ran up to it and jumped in the driver's seat, police said.