Man charged with violent robbery of UC Berkeley student Police say Amahd Mabry "punched the victim once in the face causing him to fall to the ground" when the student chased him.
Man charged with retail thefts from Berkeley Lululemon Police say Charles Scott and associates took about $13,000 in leggings in early October then went back later that month and stole more clothing.
Applications to open this week for Alameda County's next DA The county said it hopes to post the job quickly, with applications being accepted as soon as Wednesday.
With sexual misconduct case settled, what's next for BHS? Former students who made allegations against teacher Matthew Bissell have asked BUSD to overhaul its approach to claims involving sexual misconduct.
Price recall campaign declares victory. What comes next? The Board of Supervisors plans to discuss next steps for appointing a replacement district attorney at its Dec. 10 meeting.
Man charged with repeated gunfire near UC Berkeley Jeffrey Hue "pulled a gun from his waistband, pointed it at the students, told them to run and fired a round into the air," police wrote.
Pamela Price recall effort has strong early lead About 400,000 ballots were received by mail with many more expected. Alameda County has about 960,000 registered voters.