With sexual misconduct case settled, what's next for BHS? Former students who made allegations against teacher Matthew Bissell have asked BUSD to overhaul its approach to claims involving sexual misconduct.
Price recall campaign declares victory. What comes next? The Board of Supervisors plans to discuss next steps for appointing a replacement district attorney at its Dec. 10 meeting.
Man charged with repeated gunfire near UC Berkeley Jeffrey Hue "pulled a gun from his waistband, pointed it at the students, told them to run and fired a round into the air," police wrote.
Pamela Price recall effort has strong early lead About 400,000 ballots were received by mail with many more expected. Alameda County has about 960,000 registered voters.
New lawsuit alleges anti-Asian discrimination by Pamela Price Craig Chew says he was fired after raising concerns about Price's attempts to get around legally mandated background checks.
He was charged with 4 murders. Pamela Price gave him a deal "Why would I want to forgive him?" said the mother of one of the victims. "To me, it was like a serial killer."
Alyx Herrmann homicide: Killer guilty of first-degree murder Friends and family say they hope the tragedy will help more people recognize and escape from domestic violence.