Berkeley gas station robbery: 100 cigarette cartons taken Police say they have not determined whether the robbers followed the owner to his gas station on Solano Avenue. The investigation is ongoing.
Man picks up new 'child porn' case right after making deal in old one Izaiah Temple was arrested in Berkeley the day after taking a plea deal in his last Berkeley case involving child sexual abuse material.
1 in custody after Berkeley police activity on Francisco BPD confirmed shortly after publication that a teenager had been arrested.
Female burglars caught in the act claim to be house cleaners Community members say the pair has been linked to other recent crimes and may be targeting Asian households. Police are investigating.
Charges filed after Dream Fluff Donuts armed takeover robbery Authorities say Jacob Hellman and four other people robbed the cashier at Dream Fluff Donuts in Berkeley one morning in November.
BPD: Homeless housing shooter had 'narco tunnel' under floor Berkeley police say David Meier, who was prohibited from owning guns due to his criminal record, had ammunition and meth in his room.
Berkeley shootings in 2025: The definitive gunfire map As of March 6, Berkeley has had four shootings in 2025, including one on the freeway. Last year there were six shootings in the same period.