Update: New Berkeley security cameras have been approved That would bring the number of locations where the city has surveillance cameras to 11, with 18 more in the pipeline pending further review.
Berkeley purse-snatcher strikes again, evades police There have now been six bags taken from women's cars since last Friday, in addition to a seventh incident where a woman scared off the thief.
Woman honks horn to stave off thief at Berkeley Bowl West Four other incidents, where women's bags were taken from their cars as they looked on, have been reported in Berkeley since Friday.
Driver taken to Highland after rollover crash in Berkeley The man was driving a BMW, which sustained major damage in the crash and came to rest on the passenger side.
Suspect in Berkeley burglary series arrested after standoff Police say Alfredo Morales stole $8,000 in jeans from one business and $200,000 in electronics from another.
Man charged with repeat jacket thefts from Berkeley REI BPD said Jeffrey Harrelson stole 15 jackets from REI, worth an estimated $4,250, then fled the scene. And it wasn't the first time.
Driver hits woman in Berkeley crosswalk Police said the woman, a Berkeley resident in her 20s, was taken to Highland Hospital with what appeared to be moderate injuries.