Authoritative independent news coverage about the Berkeley Fire Department in Berkeley, California
Flooring contractor dies weeks after fire at Bayer Berkeley
Ben Casillas Jr. had been working as a contractor on a flooring project at Bayer when the fire broke out six weeks ago.
Fire at Berkeley liquor store causes $150,000 in damage
The owner had just put something into the microwave to reheat it when he heard a popping noise from a different area of the wall, BFD said.
Garbage truck takes down power poles, lines in Berkeley
"Our whole house shook," one local resident said. "I thought for sure it was a huge earthquake."
Bayer fire cause still unknown but records reveal new details
Fundraisers have been launched for both men, who were flooring contractors working at a Bayer building under renovation.
After Berkeley mudslide, 4 of 5 households can now go home
The Middlefield Road house, which saw the most damage, is still not clear to reoccupy. But those residents can at least return home for shorter stints.
Fire in Berkeley Bayer building now under review by Cal/OSHA
The men were working for Anderson Commercial Flooring when the fire broke out in a building on the Bayer campus, officials say.
Family plans memorial for Berkeley woman burned in fire
Eighty-year-old Hayot Anebi had lived at Margaret Breland Homes since at least 2018, according to voting records.