How to find crime news about your Berkeley neighborhood
At The Berkeley Scanner, we do our best to include broad geographical tags on our articles to make it easier to keep track of the incidents that matter most to you.
We have some other ideas in the works along these lines. Stay tuned!
But, for now, here are the links to our crime and safety reports organized by some of the largest neighborhoods in Berkeley.
- Berkeley Hills
- Central Berkeley
- The Claremont neighborhood
- Downtown Berkeley
- The Elmwood
- North Berkeley
- Northside Berkeley
- Northwest Berkeley
- South Berkeley
- Southside Berkeley
- West Berkeley
Looking for crime reports that we haven't covered? Check out CrimeMapping for bare-bones info about more crimes reported near you.
And please don't hesitate to send us a note if we missed something significant. We want to hear from you (in fact, we rely on it!).
We'll continue to update this list as The Berkeley Scanner archive grows.