Emilie Raguso has covered Berkeley crime for more than a decade. She was senior news editor at Berkeleyside, and launched and ran Albany Patch. In 2017, she was SPJ NorCal's journalist of the year.
Berkeley votes to tackle its most hazardous homeless camps
The vote came after hours of impassioned public comment with most speakers urging the city not to criminalize the homeless.
Berkeley businesses sue city over Harrison homeless camp
Nine business and property owners, including Fieldwork Brewing, Boichik Bagels and Covenant Winery, filed the lawsuit Tuesday.
Berkeley may start cleaning up problematic homeless camps
"We need to be more aggressive in our approach," Rashi Kesarwani said, adding that the city will continue to offer shelter as often as it can.
Rising Sun fundraiser to honor homicide victim Marcel Jones
Marcel "was focused, skilled, dedicated, helpful, humble, and kind," Julia Hatton of Rising Sun Center for Opportunity wrote on GoFundMe.
Woman files lawsuit against Berkeley frat after rooftop fall
Jasmine Wang said "copious amounts of alcohol" were consumed during a frat party and that guests were "encouraged" to go onto the roof.
Police: Fisherman stabs windsurfer at Berkeley Marina
Police said suspect Jimmy Ellis tried to flee but officers apprehended him.
Vulture survives after starting Berkeley grass fire
Firefighters found the partially burned bird beneath the power lines when they got to the scene.