Berkeley man, 68, lit on fire by stranger, in critical condition Police say the assailant poured gasoline on the man and lit him on fire. Then he fled the scene.
Berkeley approves FY24 budget, 'reimagining' policing continues "Our commitment to look at a new approach to public safety remains," Mayor Jesse Arreguín said Tuesday night.
Driver crashes into Berkeley coffee shop, taken to Highland "The car was smoking and smelled of gas, so we got the driver clear while supporting her neck," a witness to the crash wrote on Twitter.
Man collapses, dies outside North Berkeley Safeway A passerby saw the man on the ground struggling to get up and called 911 for help. BFD attempted life-saving efforts but was unsuccessful.
How many police does Berkeley need? New analysis to find out Despite ongoing recruitment efforts, the Berkeley Police Department is experiencing an "unprecedented staffing crisis."
'Failing' Berkeley fire station alert system needs $1.6M fix The system "frequently malfunctions which causes delays in the dispatch of responders, or responders completely missing a notification."
Driver charged with hit-and-run injury crash in Berkeley Witnesses followed the driver, Misty Bancroft, until police arrived to arrest her, court papers show.