Berkeley police link pair to Apple Store burglaries, charges filed The two suspects had already been linked to a "brazen smash and grab robbery" at Macy's in Walnut Creek that was "widely publicized," BPD said.
Manslaughter plea for convicted killer, 2 murder charges dropped "I feel the entire system failed my child," said Berkeley resident Florence McCrary. "They don’t care about the victim at all."
Halloween hit-and-run spurs traffic safety audit on Derby "I just grabbed him up onto my body and just held him, screaming," the mother of the boy who was hit said Wednesday. The driver "never stopped."
Dawn Carraway charged with felony assault of woman, 78 Police wrote that Carraway seemed to be "experiencing a psychiatric episode" when she shoved the woman down on Shattuck Avenue.
Baby who ate meth had recent child abuse report: court papers Citing the baby's positive test for methamphetamine and the recent child abuse report, police described the home situation as unsafe.
Berkeley moms demand action after Halloween hit-and-run "Our family, and the other parents and children that were trick or treating with us that night, will never forget the horror," one mother wrote.
Months after Berkeley road rage attack, man charged Police say Jalene Rogers chased down a pedestrian and struck him with a metal tire jack, leaving him with "severe pain, bleeding and memory loss."