UC Berkeley to review WarnMe alert system after gun scare UC Berkeley will now "take a closer look at our WarnMe protocols including messaging and expanding the list of campus officials with access."
Man charged with attack on Berkeley homeless man in 2023 Police said the homeless man who was attacked suffers from mild cognitive issues, which may include dementia.
BPD: Man who locked woman in church bathroom now charged The man followed the woman into the bathroom and locked the door once she was in a stall, Berkeley police wrote in court papers.
Berkeley police seize illegal gun during pedestrian stop After police put Author Hayes in handcuffs, they found the semi-automatic handgun in his cargo pants pocket, police wrote
Man armed with blade near UC Berkeley placed on psych hold UCPD deployed a Taser on the armed man after he ignored orders and was not stopped by "less lethal" baton rounds, authorities said.
Berkeley mayor forges coalition to take on rising East Bay crime Jesse Arreguín, who convened the group, said it will meet quarterly and partner more closely to address public safety challenges.
Man charged with sex crime attack of UC Berkeley student Zaid Albeetar, 26, was charged with intent to commit a sex crime, sexual battery by restraint and other felonies.