Berkeley and Alameda County election results, Nov. 2024

About 684,000 ballots were cast in Alameda County in the November 2024 election, with nearly 60,000 from Berkeley. The final results are below.

Berkeley and Alameda County election results, Nov. 2024
Alameda County polls close at 8 p.m. Emilie Raguso/The Berkeley Scanner

Adena Ishii became Berkeley mayor after a ranked-choice contest, with Terry Taplin, Ben Bartlett, Shoshana O’Keefe and Brent Blackaby winning in their respective Berkeley City Council races.

Nikki Fortunato Bas stayed on top in the Alameda County Board of Supervisors race in District 5, besting John Bauters by 425 votes.

The recall campaigns against DA Pamela Price and Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao succeeded.

About 684,000 ballots were cast in Alameda County in the November 2024 election, with nearly 60,000 from Berkeley.

The final results were posted Dec. 5.

DA Pamela Price recall effort shows strong early lead
The county said nearly 400,000 ballots had come in by mail from about 960,000 voters, and 70,000 were cast in person. More are coming.

As of Nov. 20, Alameda County had about 972,000 registered voters and Berkeley had about 77,000.

Officials had estimated there would be about 690,000 ballots in Alameda County and approximately 60,000 in Berkeley.

Remember: Ranked-choice voting means any race where a candidate doesn't secure a majority vote will result in an instant run-off where candidates are eliminated from the bottom and their votes are redistributed until someone has a majority. Those calculations take a bit longer to come in.

The Scanner updated the following Berkeley and Alameda County election results as they came in.

Berkeley mayor

Five candidates competed to become Berkeley's next mayor. After the ranked-choice calculation, Adena Ishii took first place.

Nearly 60,000 Berkeley ballots were cast overall. In 2020, about 60,000 ballots were cast for Berkeley mayor.

District 2 (West Berkeley)

In West Berkeley's City Council District 2, incumbent Terry Taplin kept his seat.

District 3 (South Berkeley)

In South Berkeley's City Council District 3, incumbent Ben Bartlett kept his seat.

District 5 (North Berkeley)

In North Berkeley's City Council District 5, Shoshana O’Keefe won the open seat vacated by Sophie Hahn.

District 6 (Berkeley Hills)

In City Council District 6, Brent Blackaby won the open Berkeley Hills seat vacated by Susan Wengraf.

Berkeley School Board (2 seats)

Five people competed for two seats on the Berkeley School Board. Newcomer Jen Corn and incumbent Ana Vasudeo won the race.

Alameda County Board of Supervisors, District 5

Two people ran for the Alameda County Board of Supervisors seat vacated by Keith Carson, with Nikki Fortunato Bas besting John Bauters by 425 votes.

Pamela Price recall election results

Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price was recalled.

Price recall campaign declares victory. What comes next?
The Board of Supervisors plans to discuss next steps for appointing a replacement district attorney at its Dec. 10 meeting.
DA Pamela Price recall effort shows strong early lead
The county said nearly 400,000 ballots had come in by mail from about 960,000 voters, and 70,000 were cast in person. More are coming.

Sheng Thao recall election results

Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao was recalled.

State Senate, 7th District

Outgoing Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguín won the state Senate race for the 7th District.

The Scanner updated this post throughout election season as new Nov. 5, 2024, election results came in.

Fall 2024 election guide for Berkeley and Alameda County
Here are many of the key races you’ll find on the ballot in Berkeley on Nov. 5, 2024. We’ll keep this voter guide updated as it gets closer.

Find more Alameda County election results online.