TBS Today, Sept. 17

A member of DA Pamela Price's executive team committed serious misconduct when he worked at the Oakland Police Department, and abruptly retired to avoid termination, public records show.

We've been looking into this since early last year — but the city of Oakland told us no records were releasable.

Turns out they just weren't ready to post them on their website yet (apparently). We're still trying to get to the bottom of what happened there.

As you may recall from our earlier reporting, another member of Price's original leadership team — Otis Bruce Jr. — also had a sustained misconduct finding at his former job. (Bruce left the Alameda County DA's office in June.)

Don't miss our latest deep dive.

Another top deputy of DA Price committed misconduct at last job, investigation found
A former high-ranking OPD command staffer told The Scanner that Price did not ask about Eric Lewis at OPD, where he spent his career.

In other news

Over the weekend, we attended a memorial event to honor Terrence McCrary Jr., the eighth one since he was killed by a stray bullet in Oakland in 2016.

We shared a video from the event on X and posted other photos and video on Instagram. Be sure to follow us there.

(Pro tip: You can always click the "view in browser" link at the top of TBS Today to find a better format for embedded posts.)

On Tuesday morning, Berkeley officials will install a historic photo of the 1923 Berkeley fire at 2180 Milvia St. at 10 a.m.

"Listen to brief comments by City staff, enjoy refreshments, and learn about FireSafe Berkeley," the city announced.

"This event builds on several Berkeley Fire Department actions to better prepare our community for wildfires, including expanded inspections for hillside properties, new emergency alerting systems, and supportive programs for residents to make their properties safer," the city said.

Event details are online if you'd like to attend.

The Scanner hopes to be there but may not be available. Let us know if you make it!

In case you missed it

TBS Today, Sept. 13
Pawsitive end to the week.
Defense attorney alleges voter suppression by DA Pamela Price
Price told employees to follow a law prohibiting the collection of campaign contributions — long after the law was overturned, the attorney says.
AG’s office drops Butch Ford case ‘in the interest of justice’
“I knew I never did anything wrong,” Ford said Wednesday. “The history of this case speaks for itself.”
Berkeley businesses sue city over Harrison homeless camp
Nine business and property owners, including Fieldwork Brewing, Boichik Bagels and Covenant Winery, filed the lawsuit Tuesday.

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