TBS Today, May 16
A Union City man has been charged with several counts of sexual battery targeting students near UC Berkeley last week, according to police and court papers.
Berkeley police say Aditya Chaudhary, 21, admitted to "hugging" student-aged women and was also a suspect in a 2019 investigation in Orange, California, where a student was inappropriately touched, according to court papers.
Police say they have linked Chaudhary to seven concerning reports in Berkeley, from trespassing to sexual battery. Most of them took place last week from May 8-10 in the Southside neighborhood near campus.
The Scanner has the exclusive.
After posting our Lama Beans story yesterday, which has generated a lot of concern, we heard from a diner who said the assailant "used racist language" and "threatened to come back to the place of business and hurt them."
According to the restaurant patron, the assailant also said, "Go back to your country, this is my country."
Tonight, the City Council is discussing the budget and fire safety. No action is planned at either meeting but we may tune in.
Update, 6:35 p.m. In fact, the Tuesday meetings did include proposed action items, including the approval of the city's Community Wildfire Protection Plan at the 6 p.m. meeting. Apologies for the earlier error.